Latest News / August ‘24 / Happy Birthday Autoware! We celebrated Autoware's 9th birthday on August 25!

Whale Dynamic

Whale Dynamic’s mission is to bring autonomy to every individual in an approachable and affordable way.

Value Proposition

Whale Dynamic was founded by industrial experts and enthusiasts passionate about autonomy and dedicated to making safe and convenient autonomous delivery accessible to all. We value creativity and originality. Our focus lies in advancing along a developmental trajectory that adheres to the SAE L4 standard for autonomous passenger vehicle technology, explicitly emphasizing urban public road autonomous vehicles. Our journey encompasses three pivotal stages: Passenger Vehicle Algorithm Verification: We commence with rigorous algorithm verification, ensuring precision and reliability. We provide full-stack L4 autonomy to OEMs and automobile makers at this stage. Chassis Transplantation with Steering Wheel Algorithm: Progressing to the next phase, we integrate our algorithms with steering wheel chassis, enhancing adaptability and control. Mass Production of Urban Public Road Autonomous Vehicles: Finally, we aim to achieve mass production of autonomous vehicles designed for urban public roads. We subject our technology to extensive testing and validation procedures at every stage to guarantee its effectiveness and safety. Our multi-purpose autonomous vehicles are versatile and can be seamlessly deployed across various application scenarios, including but not limited to retail, delivery, security, and beyond. Our commitment is to make autonomous delivery a reality for everyone.

Technology Description

We possess six key technologies, including early-stage fusion, perception, fusion hardware design, planning & control, multi-sensor fusion localization, control-by-wire chassis, and HD mapping. We made these essential modules into ready-to-use toolchains, which will strengthen our capability and benefit the whole Autoware community, making the autonomy development approachable and affordable.